• As specialists in this area, we support our clients in all aspects.
  • Whether the focus is on investments, procurement, benchmarking, design, mergers or spin-offs, you've come to exactly the right place.

  • We design customised solutions for our clients, ensuring that employees are insured at an optimal cost.

  • The correct third party liability insurance enables us to protect the business wealth of our clients.
  • Thanks to our long-lasting knowledge and our network, we know exactly which companies are able to provide the best insurance coverage at the best conditions.

  • Directors & Officers Liability Insurance allows the private wealth of board members, CEOs, CFOs and members of foundation boards to be protected effectively against liability suits.
  • We will explain the complex quotes issued by the insurance companies to you in a prompt, clear manner.

  • Whether you require a special inventory, building or fleet insurance, we show our clients potential for improvement and help handling the claims.

  • With clean coordination of pension funds, daily sickness benefits, accident and supplemental accident insurance, we can help you find and avoid insurance gaps and needless costs.
  • Simply ask us for a check without obligation.

  • With specific actions and early inventions, it is possible to avoid long-lasting claims.
  • Please do not hesitate to contact us in the event of a claim.